Quest Global Company hiring Trainee Engineer – Fresher Apply Fast!


Quest Global is lookin’ to hire some trainee engineers. They don’t care if you just graduated or if you’re still a student, you can apply. They’re holding a recruitment drive off campus. Here’s some key stuff about the job:

Job Description :-

Company NameQuest Global
Job RoleTrainee Engineer
QualificationAny Degree
BatchAny batch
LocationBengaluru, Karnataka, India
CTC/SalaryNot Disclosed

Tips to Prepare an ATS-Friendly Resume :-

1. Keep the format simple and easy to scan. Steer clear of crazy designs or fonts so the ATS can read it easily. Use clear section headings like “Education” and “Experience.”

2. Pull out important keywords from the job description and work them into your resume, especially when listing tech skills or engineering terms. Having a specific skills section can be helpful.

3. Spotlight your engineering degree, school, major, graduation date – all the key details. If your GPA is high, it’s worth showing off.

4. Use bullet points to describe class or personal projects and internships. Explain what technologies you used and provide numbers if possible, like “increased user engagement by 15%”.

5. Summarize your goals and what you bring to the table as a trainee engineer. Make sure to customize it for the specific company and role.

6. Technical skills are a must – be specific when listing programming languages, software, tools you know. Soft skills like teamwork and problem-solving are also great to mention.

7. Any internships, part-time jobs or engineering club activities show you have relevant experience. Describe your responsibilities and accomplishments.

8. As a trainee, stick to a one page resume with your most outstanding achievements. No fluff!

9. Triple check for spelling and grammar errors – attention to detail matters!

10. Use online resume checkers to catch issues the ATS might find before submitting. Getting feedback will help make your resume as readable as possible for both robots and humans!

Tips for acing the Trainee Engineer job interview:-


1. Check out the Company

– Learn what they sell and how they roll. Seeing what makes ’em tick will help you talk their talk.

– Peep the job description. Spot what abilities or skills they’re hoping you’ve got.

2. Brush up on Engineering ABCs

– Review basic concepts you’ll need to know—coding languages, data stuff, engineering principles. It’ll make you look smart.

– Practice solving problems ahead of time, so your brain’s primed when similar ones come your way.

3. Show Your Cool Projects

– Be ready to chat about academic or passion projects you’ve worked on. Tell them your role, the tech you used, and what you accomplished.

– Highlight new things you learned and how it got you prepped for jobs like this one.

4. Flash Some Soft Skills – Communication

– Explain complex ideas in simple ways. It’s a talent! – Teamwork – Share times you resolved conflicts or collaborated with others on projects. It helps answer questions clearly and completely.

– If you goofed something in the past, be upfront. Explain how you handled it and grew.

5. Ask Good Questions

– Asking about training programs and growth ops shows you really want the job.

6. Mind Your Manners

– Dress properly for the workplace, even if it’s casual. Better early than late!

7. Expect Oddball Interview Styles

– Code tests on a whiteboard? Wacky technical questions? Roll with it and do your best.

8. Turn on the Enthusiasm

– Show you’re stoked for the job and eager to master new skills for the company’s benefit. Talk about your plans to contribute.

9. Follow Up

– Email a thank you note after to show your appreciation and ongoing interest.


1. Show up Clueless

– Research the role and company ahead of time so you don’t seem aloof.

2. Forget Soft Skills

– Technical stuff isn’t everything. Show your communication, teamwork and creative problem-solving chops too.

3. Trash Past Experiences

– Focus on lessons learned, not negatives.

4. Give Vague Answers

– Back up claims with real examples and specs.

5. Act Too Modest or Proud

– Find the sweet spot between showing useful confidence and willingess to learn.

6. Botch the Practical

– Prep for technical tests too! Practice is 🔑.

7. Ghost After the Interview

– Send that thank you! Shows major interest.

8. Rush Responses

– Take a breath and answer thoughtful-like. No gaffes!

Eligibility / Qualification:-

  • Know Power BI and SQL really well
  • Make calculations, groups of fields, map things, bins, hierarchies in Power BI
  • Know a bit about Power Apps and working with data
  • Write custom SQL to help the business
  • Know other visualization tools like Spotfire or Tableau
  • Talk to customers on your own to get what they need
  • Check in with customers regularly to show work progress
  • Python skills are a plus
  • Figure out what the business needs, understand what users want, and make reports
  • Talk to customers regularly to show work progress

Roles and Responsibilities:-

  • Look at what the business needs and figure out
  • what data tells that story
  • Map out models showing how all the data connects
  • Use Power BI to make nice dashboards and reports so people can understand the data
  • Be the go-to data expert for the company

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